Sunday, March 6, 2011

Little Luke *Delightfully Domestic*

Happy lazy Sunday friends! We are having a rainy day, so here it is, 10:30, and I am still in my pj's. I love days like this! :)

I wanted to share my first "Delightfully Domestic" project with you all today! First off I have to say, that currently, red and yellow is my favorite color combination. It's just so darn happy! :)

See that green button from the button pack? It only has one hole in it, which I did not want to leave empty, so I cut a longer piece of bakers twine, folded it in half, so the two ends were together. Then I tied a big double knot on the loop end. I then threaded the 2 ends into the hole, and the knot kept it from going through, and gave me my laces for my bow. :)

This kit is already sold out, but I do have enough left over paper to make 2 limited editions, which I will be posting this week. So be on the lookout!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Virginia said...

This is so cute! And I love red & yellow too! Great tip about the button, I'll have to keep that in mind! :)

Michelle said...

I agree.. very cool tip about the button. I just spotted a few like that in my stash. I will have to remember that one!! Cute, cute page!!!

Michelle Whitlow said...

Love this Noel!

Gretchen said...

this is such a fun layout!

leah said...

Gorgeous layout, Noel!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a awesome article.Very interesting. You have given me some ideas and a differnt way to to write articles rather than just plain text.
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