
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Scrap Space

I am lucky enough to have a) a home with an extra bedroom and b) a husband who is kind and wants me to have my own crafting space.

It's not my dream room, it's not completely organized, but it is my space and I'm very thankful for it.

My scrap table is a Pier 1 dining table I purchased for $130 at Big Lots. It's high-dining and perfect for an afternoon of crafting with friends.

I love having my inks, mists and remote controls nearby. I can't scrap without some sort of noise, and TV on DVD or an 80's movie is just what I need to keep the mojo flowing.

Behind my chair is a unit that houses my Cuttlebug, typewriter and my Scrapbook Trends and Cards issues. I also keep my 12 x 12 patterned paper in large crates and my Thickers and other letter stickers nearby. If I have too much of anything, it's Thickers, so I keep them close so I make sure to use them.

I keep a lot of inspiration hanging around, too. This hanging inspiration board holds bits and pieces of design and work I love.

Across the room is a framed inspiration board with a few things I can't bear to hide away in an album.

I also have a giant cabinet for storage - a $50 steal from a friend of mine - it has several drawers and that's where I keep my extra inks, paints, stamps, and other random craftiness.

So that's where I work and play. Leave a link of your craft space if you have one, I'd love to see it!


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