
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

those silly chipmunks

Despite the fact that I'm in the middle of trying to sell my house and figure out a cross country move to Washington I had to pull out the newest Noel kit & play...even if just a little ;) The fun bright papers along with the fun embellishments that Noel always packs in her kits just make me smile every month.
Everything from this layout is from the Delightfully Domestic kit (sold out) except for the red OA alphas & OA buttons.

I'm trying to catch up on scrapping our Disney trip before it gets too far away & I can't remember all of the little details. A helpful hint about scrapping vacations - keep a journal. I usually try and jot down little things here and there during a trip that I don't want to forget. Because as much as we think we won't we all forget!
And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go clean up the scrappy mess I just made before the 2nd appraiser comes to my house tomorrow. Somehow I don't think he'll have the same appreciation for fine papers & embellishments like I do ;) Happy Tuesday friends!

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