
Friday, March 25, 2011

What's old is new again!!

That's right, just when you think you've got too many old, out-of-date scraps laying around (because you couldn't stand to part with that last little 4" square of your faaaaave paper) there's a way to make them as cute as they were to begin with!

I've been searching around for ideas (cheap ones!) for making my own decorations for our reception/housewarming party and this is just one that I looove! It's also helping to purge some of that big stack of scraps I've got from past kits. Actually, if we're being honest, there's no pile. I keep em all in an album in page sleeves that I've sewn up to be all different sizes. Each color scheme has its own page.... I know... get a life already, right? Anywho, I just grabbed the album and went to town!

I used my 1.5" Marvy punch and made about a bazillion little scalloped circles and sewed them all up with the occasional heart-shaped canvas (from Noel) and tickets (from Noel) and even made up some accordion circles for the dangly ends. I have them hanging in the studio now, and after I add about a bazillion more to the pile, there will be the perfect amount to hang from the trees in the backyard. I can't wait!!

So do you have any other ideas for scraps? Reception decorations? I'm dying to know!

Happy Friday!

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