
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When All Else Fails...

When mojo has left the building and you are out of ideas on what to do with your layout, don't fret. Surf the web and look for a sketch. Sketches really help me find my creative mojo when I seem to have none.

I was having one of these days last week so a hunting I went. I stumbled upon the Lily Bee sketch this past week and decided to give it a spin. I was surprised at how fast my layout came together.

Here is the Lily Bee sketch by our very own Virginia Tillery!

Here is my take on the sketch using items from the Jump and Jive kit...

What sketch is inspiring you to scrap? I know there are a few others out there that I want to still try. Link me up to some fun ones that you come across. I would love to see them!

Until later!

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