
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WA or bust

Hey guys! Popping in to share a quick layout I did about our cross country trip to WA. It was quite a journey, let me tell ya. We nearly missed a tornado in TN, saw an absolutely gorgeous sunset in MO, passed lots of farmland & pretty mountains and took a stop in SD to see Mt. Rushmore.

Layout created with Mary Ellen kit
Red alphas from Jump & Jive kit 
All in all the trip went very well despite the fact that I had extremely swollen feet from about day 3 on and we also had 2 sick dogs for the last couple days of the journey. It was a trip that I'm really glad we got the chance to take.
I wanted to do a simple layout as a recap of our trip. I plan on doing a more detailed layout about Mt. Rushmore & I'll also be documenting our trip in my travel album and my Project Life album.
You'll have to excuse the quality of my photos. I'm still without internet so I've had to resort to sitting in McD's with my kids & my hubby's laptop which does not have my photo editing software. But it's all good...I bribed my kids with some Oreo McFlurries :)

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. she's way pregnant, just travelled a bazillion miles, moved into a new place across the country, AND she scraps like mad! that is so impressive Michelle! love this layout!!
