
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Growing Heaping Pile of Scraps

Do you have one? Mine is rapidly getting out of control.

This week I have been concentrating on getting my studio back under control. I am reorganizing and making room for the enormous amounts of mixed media supplies I have been collecting. I mean, a pile of bubble wrap and doilies and canvas and brushes and randomness can be appealing, but not when it's smack dab in the middle of your workspace. In fact, it's been really messing with my mojo.


One of the projects I've taken on is organizing/using up my scrap paper and ribbons. And this is no small task, lemme tell ya.

I generally store my scraps in an album. I have about six clear plastic sleeves that I have stitched into different size pockets, and each sleeve has its own theme. There's shabby, tomboy, diva, hippy, beige - in which all the neutrals live. But before they make it into the album they sit in the top tray of my cardstock tote, where I try to use the most current pieces up as fast as I can. And do you get a total sense of satisfaction when you use up an entire sheet of paper? I do. It just feels so good!

Anywho, because of this major mojo block, I was surfing around Pinterest this morning, looking for some inspiration for my scrap horde, and here's what I found:

Punch shapes out of them to make cute cards. This would make it super easy to make lots of the same cards.

Use small scraps to piece together a layout. Love the way this looks!

Make a teeny tiny mini album!

Tie those ribbon scraps around a string of lights to make a super stinkin' cute garland!

Explore your artsy side by slappin' together some mixed media magic!

Decoupage some bathroom tiles - these work well as glue gun plates, too!

Cut out alphas to make this adorable canvas to decorate your home! P.S. This was made by Virginia - dontcha just love it!?!

Make lots of teeny tiny embellies for invitations and cards.

I am definitely going to be using some of these ideas to deplete my scrap stash. What do you do with your scraps?

Happy Scrappin'!

1 comment:

  1. I always give my scraps to the Grade primary teachers in my school. They love it, the kids use it and it is so much fun seeing my papers used in cool collages and projects. I have so little time to scrap that I do not mind to give the scraps away
