
Thursday, December 15, 2011

December Memories: 5-12

I'm back again with more pages of my December Memories album...please settle in for a photo heavy post! :)

5) Buddy the Elf - We introduced a new tradition with our new Elf-on-the-Shelf this year. The girls named him "Buddy". We might have just watched "Elf" so the name was conveniently fresh in their minds. :) We also picked up the animated movie that goes along with this tradition and it was fabulous in introducing him to our family. (There were even twin girls in the movie). We have been having a blast coming up with crazy things for Buddy to do each day (I don't know who has more fun with him - the girls or mom and dad!) Ha!

6) Decorating the Tree - For this page, I took advantage of the pocket to add a few more photos to this memory. The girls had so much fun decorating this year! Glen could barely get the tree started before the girls were trying to hang ornaments.

Here's the pocket page...

7) Coffee - I have a slight obsession with specialty drinks around the holidays but I do limit myself to one (or maybe two) a week. My favorite places to go are Panera, Caribou Coffee and Starbucks and I love that each place has pretty cups to go with their festive drinks. I used the actual coffee cup sleeves for each place on this entry.

8) Gingerbread House - We put together a gingerbread house this year. I discovered as I was mixing the frosting together that it had egg in it but we decided to put it together anyway. (My girls are both allergic to eggs). We had a minor incident with hives and red eyes but they were otherwise okay. It's a little difficult to stop two-year-olds from tasting the frosting but it was a fun time, nonetheless. :)

9) Snow? - Yes, that is snow with a question mark. If you are my facebook friend, you might have watched a little video of two little girls who created their own snow from the stuffing of my giant couch pillow. Take pictures first, right? Then discipline. :)

10) Special date - This past Saturday Glen went around town with Lily and Nora ran errands with me. It's not something we get to do very often so it was a fun memory to document. A little one-on-one time is wonderful! 

11) Around the house -  I've added some new decor this year. I have a couple projects I created myself (the Santa and Merry gift boxes) and then I picked up the Santa pitcher and record at an antique store. I also added some new vintage books to my collection as well.

12) Holiday Twinkle - This year we took the girls to Jolly Holiday Lights for the first time. They loved seeing all the Christmas lights and were quick to pick out the "car carts" at Hy-Vee, the gingerbread house and all the great tunnels we got to go through. 

So, there's a big update today! I'll be back with more next week! :)

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