
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

From the Heart...Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Lisa here today and I have a challenge for you! Since today is the day of LOVE!! I challenge you to write a love story. This can be a story about any kind of for your husband, your cat, your kids, your shoes, your coffee, your scrap supplies...anything! It can be a story about a specific time or day that is about the love you share. It can be a story about when you realized that you loved this person or thing. ANYTHING Just write it! And write it in your handwriting. No scripting. No editing. Start writing and don't stop until you've reached the end of the paper! I don't like writing long stories in my own handwriting on my layouts, but I think love stories should be written by hand. They mean so much more this way.

I choose to write about the day my husband and I got engaged. It was 11 years ago today and I've never written down the story. I'm so glad I did! I love this day. I love Valentines Day so much more because of it. I love him! I also love the Charm School kit that I used for my layout! 

Side note: There's a new This or That challenge coming tomorrow and I've already done my layout for this challenge...I'll tell you what it is tomorrow!!! Teehee!!

Happy Valentines Day!!


  1. This is LUSCIOUS!!! lisa! I love every bit of this romantic page! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Such an awesome layout! And I can't wait to read what the next challenge is! :)

  3. Such BEAUTIFUL work! LOVE it all! xx
