
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Project Life Homespun Style!

Hey there! This is Lisa today!

I knew instantly when I saw the Homespun kit that I had to get working on my Project Life album because this kit is perfect for it. This is my first actual page I've created for PL. I have been working on documenting each week and everything but I haven't actually gotten started on putting something together until now. (And don't even ask how long this took...I had trouble actually committing!) I had a ton of fun putting this together and am now hooked!!

There are so many little details in the Homespun kit that were perfect for my Project Life layout. I love all of the journaling cards. They are the perfect size for the Project Life page protectors. I had to edit the Elle's "this week" journaling card to start on Monday and end on Sunday since that's how I'm doing mine...I just can't bring myself to end the week on Saturday...for me it ends on Sunday and begins on Monday!

I love the Dear Lizzy stamp in the kit. It is SOOOO cute!

We have a weird sense of humor in our house so if you look closely at one of the journaling cards in the bottom row you might get a chuckle!

Happy Tuesday!! 


  1. Oooo! This is the prettiest PL I have seen! LOVE this, Lisa! Your handwriting is amazing! Also, do you use a typewriter or do you send your cards through a printer. If so, which typewriter font do you use . . . I LOVE it! :D

  2. I have an old typewriter that I found for $8 that I use!! Thank you for your awesome comments!!

  3. WOW! You sure got a lot done!! I'm making my own, actual home spun PL plastics for my 8.5 x 11 album. By sewing a bunch of clear 8.5 x 11 pages I bought ages ago. It's a bit tedious but it's working. AND...since I bought them on sale a gazillion years ago...NO cost involved. Plus I'm using up my old stash with current updated accents like the Dear Lizzy embelishments! (I have a weakness for these...sigh)

  4. OHHHHHHHH this is AMAZING! I LOVE what you have done for your PL! Absolutely AWESOME in every way!
