
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Green Challenge...

Hey everyone, this is Lisa today!

Since March is the month of green I have a fun challenge for you today! I was doing the take 12 Challenge from Ella Publishing yesterday and I decided to focus on the color green and take pictures of all the things during the day that represent the color green.

So I challenge you to take 12 pictures during the day of the color green...and then create a layout about it. I bet if you start looking you'll find lots of things in your life that are green!!

Here's how the color green represented my day yesterday: 1. Lots of green on the radar...rain, rain rain. 2. Love my green coffee much and green coffee bag. 3. spinach. 4. Oops, ended up with green pain all over my hand working on a project. 5. Added a splash of green to my layout yesterday. 6. My view of the green(ish) outdoors while I was working out. 7. More green on the radar, with a bunch of thunderstorms that brought some excitement in the form of tornado watches. 8. My green car is in much need of a washing. 9. My radio in the car is even sporting some green for the month. 10. Dreaming of cutting down these ugly trees and putting in a garden this spring and growing lots of new green things. 11. My husband painting our daughters toes green. 12. My nails painted green for the month!

I was busy taking my photos until late last night so I'll be back soon with my layout that I'll be putting together using the awesome Homespun kit...which is perfect for focusing on the color green for March!!

Happy green hunting!!

1 comment:

  1. Go green! Perfect post for this month too!
    Love your challenge! ;)
