
Monday, July 16, 2012

Hello Super Star!

Good Monday Morning!
Today I'm here to share a little tip with you...

Have you ever gone to the craft store, strolled the fabric aisle & BAM!
find a perfect pattern you just KNOW you can do something with?

I sure have. Sometimes I go through the fabric aisle just to get inspiration.
It's one of the many ways I find it.
Just so happens - the other day I was in Hobby Lobby & found the PERFECT
fabric. My entire being knew I had to have it - thinking..."one day I will do
SOMETHING with it!"
So I had the cutting lady cut it for me & I came home with it, as happy as a clam.

I'll admit I had no idea what I'd do other than something scrappy with it.

Then I remembered my tip/tutorial post & thought to myself...yes! I'll use it for that!

So this is what I did.
Instead of using a pattern paper or just cardstock -
I used a strip of fabric I cut into 10" x 10 and using a fabric glue - adhered it on a
sheet of 12" x 12" neutral color cardstock. 
Next I took 2 of my star punches & punched shapes from some of the papers
from the gorgeous July Boardwalk kit

Then I used black ink & dropped a few drops on the cardstock. I also took a spritz in black
and did the same thing.

After that dried - I took a distressing tool & went around each of the 4 edges of my fabric
to give it the rough, frayed look

Here's the outcome of my layout:
and how about a couple of close up shots:

Thank you for letting me share this with you today.
I hope I've inspired you to step out of the box & use fabric in your background
of your next project.

**note:  all things used are from the July Boardwalk kit EXCLUDING the
cardstock, fabric, glue, inks & spray mists.

have a GREAT week!
happy crafting!


  1. LOVE it! Now I am feeling the need to go get some fabric!! This is awesome and I especially love how it looks with distressed edges!

  2. Seriously? My husband needs to stop leaving himself logged in. LOL

  3. As one fabric lover to another....I love it! :)

  4. This is adorable Leslie!!! LOVE all those stars & how you used the fabric for a background :)

  5. W.O.W! Love it, Leslie! Such a an amazing layout :)

  6. LOL...Virginia!!!
    I love this Leslie!! I NEED that fabric!!! Your LO turned out FABULOUS!!!

  7. Love, Love, Love this!!

    And now I can't wait to go home and pull out some of the vintage fabric I've been hoarding...err...collecting! :)

  8. What an awesome layout! I love everything about it...technique, colors, design, photos, EVERYTHING!

    I have some fabric swatches that I've been holding onto to do something with, and now, I need to give your technique a try.
