
Friday, July 6, 2012

How I Made My Layout Go from Drab to Fab

I started playing with the Boardwalk kit earlier this week and started this layout,
but it just didn't feel "finished" to me, so I set it aside for a few days. It just didn't feel like me. 

I pulled it out again and began tweaking it, and adding all those 
special touches that make a layout me. 

I added a flower to make a bigger "design triangle:"

I distressed all the edges with my scissors:

And I added some doodling and crumpled the little paper flower: 

I also added a paper strip and a piece of ribbon to ground the bottom of the layout: 

I love how a few simple touches make a layout look a little more polished and put together. 


Let me help you figure out what sort of things you can do to help you define your scrapbook style and make your scrapping process feel more you!

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  1. I LOVE how you jazzed your layout up! I loved the first one, but the jazzy version is FUN!

    Thanks for sharing with us Virginia!

  2. This is such a fun post and a great layout! I love seeing other people's thought processes in action!
