
Friday, December 14, 2012

Quick & Easy Christmas Gift

You know we all have them- those random little gifts we need to give someone- we don't need to spend a lot of money, but we do want to give them something special. 

I love these wood frames for times like that! They are $1 and easy peasy to customize! 

I painted this one pink and did red polka dots on it, covered in Stickles glitter. 

The sides are given a special touch with the decorative tape in the Glad Tidings kit. I think it's so much more fun to do that than to just paint them! :)

Even though all of these items are from a the Christmas themed "Glad Tidings" kit, they are not necessarily super Christmassy looking! This could be out in someone's home any time of the year, but is using supplies you have on hand right now. 

I love it! So much, that this one may stay with me... and I may make a new one for a gift. Hee! 

1 comment:

  1. V! I LOVE this! I need a simple and cheap gift idea for teachers and THIS hits the spot! THANK YOU! I WILL be making these :)
