
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Two Layouts To Share On Day 2 Of 2013!!


Well it day 2 already of 2013!!!  I can't believe 2012 has come & gone and here we are beginning another year in the journey of our lives :)  I have so many hopes and dreams for this year, but mostly I am excited for the growing & everyday moments that we all treasure so.   I found within the past year, I did not scrap anywhere near as often as I'd like to.  In part, because I'm just busy with the kids & family & life - but also because I am such a slow scrapper.  I tend to lament over silly things on my page and it just slooooooooooooooows down my process.  This year I really want to try to find a better balance.  I also want to include more photos on pages and work on keeping the process of recording my memories a bit more simple.  I have TWO layouts to share today featuring the fun & colorful Soda Shoppe kit!!!

My first layout titled "Love & Laughter & Joy" is definitely simple, but I love the clean lines & how it
allows my photo to really shine on the page.  We celebrated New Year's with some close friends & their kids.  Ryan had such a blast ringing in the new year with them & I wanted to make sure to document it.  The oversized photo takes precedence on the page but I added in a few embellishments here & there to accent.


I had a tough time getting great pictures for my son's birthday last week - not sure why, partially because I was running around hosting & partially because my manual settings on my camera were giving me trouble.  I knew black & white pics would be more forgiving, as well as printing them small scale.  I also knew I wanted to include multiple pics to help create a true sense of that fun evening :)  I used the washi tape from the kit to create a "frame" of sorts around the edge of the page & then stitched around it.  Within my "frame", I included pictures of the party & all sorts of fun embellishments and papers from the Soda Shoppe kit.


Do you have any goals for your scrapping this year??  New techniques you'd like to try??  I'd love to hear!!!  Thanks so much for stopping by :)


  1. The pictures are priceless...beautiful!

  2. What darling photographs Julie!
    I LOVE your creations. You have the best style!
