
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Finding The Words

I'm back this week to share another layout using the adorable Country Lane kit!!  I'll be honest, as soon as I saw the Crate paper patterned paper with all the word bubbles on it I knew just what layout I would use it for.  My youngest son has struggled with some of his developmental milestones.  Right now, we are really focusing in on his speech.  He was diagnosed with low muscle tone in his face, which has made it difficult to form sounds and words.  He is making great strides & is REALLY trying hard these days, but we still have a lot of work to go to get him where he needs to be.  My layout showcases what we have been experiencing . . .

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I hand cut all the word bubbles from patterned paper and used them to create a border.  To "dress them up" a bit, I added colored brads to each one.

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The title work is a combination of the Thickers from the kit (love these!!) and a die-cut word from my Silhouette.  I also added a bit of stitching to help secure the Thickers to my layout.

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A few close-ups on the journaling . . .

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There are so many wonderful moments that I enjoy scrapping about my family.  However, I also think scrapping the struggles is part of our story as well.  Hopefully this inspires you to scrap some of your own family struggles :)  Thanks for stopping by!!

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