
Thursday, June 27, 2013


Hi there and happy Thursday! 
Gretchen here with another layout to share using the Beach Blvd kit.
I know this is a bright, summer-y kit, but I've managed to pull off 2 wedding layouts with it! 
This layout is all about the makeshift bridal shower we had at work for my friend Melody. 
It's also about the shower that almost got us all fired because we did not get it "approved" first. 
Oh lordy!
That's another story for another day!
But here is the layout that I hope you "approve" of!

Here are a couple close up shots...

I reeeeeally love the cute Basic Grey candy buttons!
Of course, I still love brads so certainly I would also love these!

Every now and then I like to go a little vertical with my titles.

Thanks for stopping by the blog today!
Have a great one!

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