
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My creative attic space

It's Gretchen again!
I'm back to share my scrappy space with you!
Confession: My space is in no way straight & organized right now.
No way jose!
So I am going to cheat on this post a little bit.
See, I was honored to have my space featured in the newest edition of Creative Spaces by Megan Hoeppner and Creating Keepsakes

I had to clean my space up perfectly because a real professional photographer came to take pictures of it.
I mean I had everything just where I wanted it and there was not a speck of dust or dirt or paper scraps anywhere!
I know I slaved over that room for a full weekend and then for the few days leading up to the photo shoot.
After all that it only took a couple of days for me to get in there and mess it up again!
It will probably never be so clean again!
It was super exciting but also soooo intimidating to have someone inspecting & photographing my room. 
My room is rather humble compared to some of the others featured in the magazine. 
My room is a bit of attic space that is off of our master bedroom. 
It was unfinished when we bought the house and my husband put down a floor & added walls so that I could have a cool space to work in.
And I love it!
Want to see my scrappy space in the magazine??

Crazy, huh??!
OK now here are some of the preliminary pics of my room just before the real photo shoot (not today! ha!) so you can get a bit better view. 

This is what you see when you walk in the door.

My "desk" is actually an unfinished door sitting on top of a couple of file cabinets.
Then I made this skirt to hang from it.
It is the perfect place to hide messes!

These shelves above the desk holds all kinds of paints, buttons, ribbon, & other random goodies!

One thing you don't see in the pictures from the article is this repurposed CD shelf just to the right of the door when you walk in. 

 These little baskets from the dollar spot at Target sit on top of the CD shelf. 

These cheap containers sit next to the CD shelf. 
They aren't real pretty but they hold a ton of little stuff! 

One other thing you don't see in the article is this paper rack that I bought from a scrapbook store that was going out of business.
But it sure does come in handy!

OK I think I have rambled on enough!
Thanks for sticking with me.
Have an awesome day!

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