
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Weaving Challenge and a Giveaway

Hi everyone!  I'm here to share today's challenges- the first of which is weaving! I'm sure you all remember weaving at summer camp (I sure do, hello gimp!) so I want you to translate that to a project using paper.  Here's my inspiration piece using the oldie but goodie, the Jack and Jill kit :)  The reds, blues, and cork just went perfectly with the photo!

I went for the full on preppy vibe for this layout :)  I thought the picture looked just like a Tommy Hilfiger ad so I went full throttle with the red white and blue to match the photo.  The cool thing about this picture is that my son, Charlie, is playing on a historic whaling ship at Mystic Seaport- which used to be docked in Nantucket in the early 1900's, and my grandmother, who grew up in Nantucket, used to play on that same ship as a little girl! Back when it was still used of course :)  Pretty cool, right?

Here are a few detail shots and I'll add in a tutorial down below for anyone that needs a little push to get started paper weaving, I sure love the result and will definitely be doing this again!  So nice to try something new :)

If you need a primer on paper weaving here you go :)  First, I picked four colors I wanted to use, 2 for horizontal and two for vertical.  Once your colors are chosen cut the papers to 0.5" strips.  I knew one of them would be white so I cut a white piece of cardstock to the size square I would use on my layout.  Afterwards I laid down a stripe of adhesive along both the right and left side of the paper- don't put it in the middle! 

Once your adhesive is applied, start layering your horizontal strips (in my case red and white).  The adhesive only along the right and left sides will allow you to weave your paper through the middle of the template.

Once your two main colors have been adhered (on the edges at least!) you can start using the other two colors, but vertically this time.  Weave one color through up and then down and the other color through down and then up.

Once you have finished your template with vertical stripes all you need to do is trim the edges! I sewed along the edges of mine just to be extra sure they would stay put but that's optional.  and that's it!

So easy and a totally cool effect! I think it would look AWESOME to see paper weaving in a monochromatic color scheme (ombre?)....anyone up for it? Would love to see it! 

Lastly, as promised, there is a giveaway with this challenge!!  However there is a catch :)  You must complete both of my challenges in order to be eligible for the giveaway.  You have until Monday, like all the challenges, to complete them-- plenty of time right?  So whoever completes both of my challenges (the second will come later today) will be automatically entered to win this prize package!  My second  challenge will be posted later today :)

This is a huge Dear Lizzy Fifth and Frolic prize pack PLUS lots of amazing and coordinating Noel Mignon PP and some other extras that aren't even pictured (think twine and even more stamps).  This includes a brand new Daybook, stamp set, 10 patterned papers and a smattering of embellishments.  I used a small amount of the embellishments but 90% of them are still there, in great shape, and ready to use.  You could easily fill that entire Daybook AND a couple of layouts just with the products in this prize pack-- so make sure you play along! Can't wait to see what you ladies come up with :)


  1. when I saw the sneaks for this yesterday I thought for sure red, white and blue -- but this is even better! Thanks for the instructions i cannot wait to try this later. Go DYNAMITE!!

  2. Oh gosh, LOVE the prize!! Rushing to get this done!!! :)

  3. Love the layout. I've never tried paper weaving before, so this will be fun!
