
Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Tribute to Miss Frizzle

Hi friends!  In honor of our children's book week I decided to pay tribute to one of the favorites in the Cyr household- Miss Frizzle!  I loved the Magic School Bus books as a kid (I'm pretty convinced it's what got me into being a scientist in the first place) and now that the TV episodes are on Netflix my 3 yr old has become OBSESSED with them. The first few episodes were really fun to watch, but fast forward 2 months and I'm getting quite sick of them and dancing along with the theme song haha.

Anyways I decided these photo's of my son, who happened to find a XL bottle of baby powder while he was supposed to be napping one day, were perfect for Miss Frizzle's motto "Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy!", because he sure did make a mess!  A cute mess, but a big one ;)

I used the oldie but goodie, Jack and Jill, to create this layout...the reds and blues in the kit were just perfect for these photos.  I decided to go with the "messy" theme and distress the edges of all the papers, as well as create some layered embellishments with stickers and brads.  I also got my Miss Nelson kit in just enough time to add a little detailing using the AWESOME white distress stain marker. WOW, that thing is so cool! I had never used one before, it was like writing with invisible ink.  That baby is gonna be put to work for sure.

Also, did you happen to see Noel's little sneak yesterday?  This isn't the next monthly kit, but a little sneak of a special project we have coming up for October- what do you think it'll be?

Happy Thursday friends!

1 comment:

  1. your layout is fantastic and the pictures you used are just adorable!
