
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Try and Try Again

Hi everyone! Amanda here with you again to share another layout using the Our Summer kit!
Do you ever have those times, when you get this picture in your mind of how a layout or project should go, and you get so excited about your "vision" that you can't get past it? That totally happened to me on this layout. Would you believe that I actually tore apart and reworked this layout 3 times!
Usually I am a glue and go girl, but apparently not today! lol

Here is my layout, which never did quite live up to the picture I had in my mind, but that cute baby makes it all ok! ;)

I'll be back next week, with my final project for the month! Thanks for the warm welcome you all have given me, and all the sweet comments! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and take some time to create something you love! :)

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