
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood

I can't help but sing that song every time I see these pictures of my baby last year for Halloween! It's such a classic. :) 

The Union Square kit (sold out, but the Project Life kit is still available!) helped me scrap these pics, using Julie's sketch this month as inspiration for my design. Make sure to come play along for a chance to win a little prize! 

For the arrow pattern, I used my banner punch and just double punched the indention to make the arrows. Easy! 

Kit subscriptions for next year are open NOW! The awesome thing about getting a sub to NM is that it ends up saving you $6 each month on your kits... that's great savings! You end up saving $36 over the course of the subscription! That's a LOT of Thickers. ;) 

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