
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A night of comedy

So I went and saw Pauly Shore at the comedy club here in town earlier this summer. 
{can you believe that guy is still around?!}
The thing is, though, I didn't really go to see Pauly Shore.
Nope, I was there to see the guy who opened up for him.
His name is John Crist and he is one of my brother's best friends from college.
And y'all, he is seriously funny! 
After the show I went and took an obligatory pic with Pauly just so I could really get a pic with John!
Then I used my Union Square kit to scrap it!

{oops...looks like a strip of my journaling slipped a bit & i didn't catch it before i scanned the page}
Here are a couple close up shots of the layout. 

OK here are a couple of fun things you need to get in on!
Noel has a couple of fun contests going on.
You can win her December Project Life kit and you & a friend could win a couple of kits but just sharing some things on Facebook!
Go to the Noel Mignon Facebook page to get all the details. 
But basically you are going to "share" this picture on Facebook for a chance to win a December PL kit. 

And then if you are a subscriber to Noel's kits, share this picture, get a friend to subscribe also, and the 2 of you could have a chance to each win 2 free kits.
The more friends you get to subscribe, the more chances you have to win!

Check out the Facebook page, though, for better instructions than I am giving you!
And good luck!
Thanks for stopping by today y'all! 

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