
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A New Blog Header Using Daffodil Hill

Hi everyone!  Every year I love to make a new header for my blog, Glue Meets Paper.  I think a handmade header looks pretty neat plus it gives me the opportunity to try out some fun techniques in a small scale.  Last years header was full of bold colors like turquoise, orange and brown so I decided to do a subtle, pretty, and more girly version this year.  I used the Noel Mignon kit, Daffodil Hill which had the perfect color scheme! 

Here was my inspiration for the color scheme, light and simple

And here's the inspiration for the pattern.  I liked the idea of tiny split squares so I used those but didn't incorporate the border or buttons (I didn't think there be enough room).  I might use this pin again and incorporate the rest of the design elements though, because it looks awesome!

Have a great Wednesday everyone!


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