
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello..... Amanda and Julie!

We are welcoming Amanda Johnson to our team this season!
I live in a small town in southern Indiana with my husband and 3 kiddos, I am blessed to be a stay at home mommy and wife. I began scrapbooking when our oldest daughter was just a few months old.  I had so many pictures, and they were all just getting put into random albums.I was so worried that all of the moments, the stories behind the photos, would be forgotten. I have grown to love this hobby, not only for the memories and moments it helps me to record for my family, but also for the outlet it gives me. The time and care I can put into stretching my creativity, all the while creating lasting memories for my family.

I have been lucky to have served/be serving on some great teams, and have had work published in Create idea book from Northridge Publishing. I am so excited to be a part of the team here at Noel Mignon! I have been a long time fan of the kits, the fabulous ladies on this team with me, and the amazing community here!
You can visit my blog

And we are glad to have Julie Bonner join our team again for another season!

We always enjoy Julie's creative title work, her sketches, and her beautiful use of color! You can check out her blog here:

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