
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Little Man

Hi everyone!! Amanda here with you to share another layout made with the Fresh Start kit. I love this kit so much...the colors are fabulous, and I love that I have gotten two very different layout looks out of it, (this layout and my princess layout).

Over the summer we love to spend as much time outdoors as possible. I was able to snatch this picture of our baby boy on his first fishing trip out last year. He, obviously, was too young to participate yet, but he had such fun watching his sisters and just enjoying the environment around of course, it had to have a layout to go with it! :)

I loved that Hey Kid banner piece from Pink Paislee, and knew I wanted to use it for the color scheme on this layout, I also used it for my title. Some very simple layering and I love the finished product.

This corner here was actually done as an after thought, I originally had adhered the wood veneer speech bubble in this spot, but it just wasn't working. I went to remove it, and it tore my photo a bit, along with leaving behind some adhesive. A few simple cuts and the adorable arrow clip, and I was able to cover the spot AND it ended up being one of my favorite details of the layout!

I felt the corners need a little something more, so I just cut a few strips from that fabulous Elle's Studio paper ( I am saving every sngle scrap of that one LOVE it!) and some messy stamping was the perfect finishing touch!
Love how this kit worked absolutely perfect for both a very girly layout and a very boy layout! Noel sure knows how to put them together!! So...if you haven't yet, make sure you scoop up this deal!! Only a very limited number left!! Also, don't forget about the 50% off sale that is going on right now...good on past kits and shop items!!

Hope you all have a great day, and are inspired to create something you love!!

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