
Friday, January 24, 2014

Scrapping a Page for a Boy with the Fresh Start Kit

Hello Creative Friends! Jana Eubank here. Today I have another page to share with you using the January 2014 "Fresh Start" kit.

I had a snapshot of my son from a few summers ago that I wanted to get into our scrapbook. I decided to pull out some of the more "boyish" colors from the Fresh Start kit to create the following page featuring my son kicking off his summer vacation by chilling in the hot tub.

I used the Pink Paislee pennant title from the kit to guide my color choices for this page. Even though there is a lot of color, layers, and contrast going on (with the pops of black and white), everything works together because it is anchored on a neutral background.

I pulled the spring off of the clothespin and adhered both pieces to my page using glue dots. This creates a lower profile, than if I had used two separate clothespins, and hey, they match!

I love the little bit of softness the butterfly die cut adds to the title.

I used a white color pencil to write my journaling on the BasicGrey Fresh Cut chalkboard tag from the kit. I also added a little more color to the tag by stamping the "always remember" sentiment with the blue ink from the kit. Just be sure to allow it some time to dry, so that it doesn't get smudged.

I love when I can create my own layered embellishments for a page. The circular embellishments at the bottom of the photo were created by using the Pink Paislee Hey Kid paper in the kit. I used a circle punch to create a base layer, and then handcut the "smile" pennant for the second layer, adhering the pennant with foam squares. On the "You are my sunshine" tag, I used a smaller circle punch to punch out the flowers. I adhered it to the center with foam squares for a bit more dimension.

Thanks for stopping by today! What things have you been creating with your kit this month? Be sure to share your projects with us on the Noel Mignon Facebook page. We would love to see!

Until next time!

Jana Eubank

1 comment:

  1. очень красиво получилось я правда не понял это альбом или стенд люблю когда человек делает всё своими руками и при этом очень хорошая фантазия
