
Thursday, April 24, 2014

When Skies are Gray **Social Butterfly kit

Here in West Texas where I live we are in a major drought. Some of you might have gotten more than your liking of snow and rain over the past few months but over here we are getting ready for some major restrictions on our water usage. Please send your rain our way! 

Our theme for this week is "April showers..." but since we haven't had many of those I decided to just use the theme as part of the title of my page instead of for the pictures themselves. 

I have four daughters and they sure can cheer me up when I am having a rough day (even when they might be part of the cause☺

Here is a layout that I created using the "Social Butterfly" kit from this month: 

This chevron-striped paper was one of my favorites from the kit and I had a hard time choosing which side of the paper I would use so I decided to cut out a circle of paper using the lines on the reverse as my guide and then, after backing the chevron side on cardstock, adhered the round ledger print paper to the center of my layout. It ended up being the perfect place for part of my page title. 

I cut out various sizes of clouds with some Lifestyle Crafts cloud dies. I raised some up on foam adhesive and drew a doodled edge on each cloud. I also added one of those cute My Mind's Eye pins to the center of the patterned paper circle. 

The journal spot was cut from one of the patterned papers in the kit and I added just a bit of the Maya Road fabric tape to the top along with a cork arrow for a finishing touch. 

Don't forget that kit subscriptions for July-December are open now! Don't miss out on these fantastic kits! 

You can sign up at the new site here

Have a great day!

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