
Friday, May 23, 2014

Friends Always

Hi there friends! I'm here to share with you another fun layout using the Carousel kit. Today's the last day of school for my kids, and it's been a great year. One of the things I'm most grateful for this year are the sweet friendships my girls have acquired. I've learned that friendships, true sweet ones, are hard to come by even at an early age. So I do what I can to encourage those that are special.

My layout today is about one of those precious friendships--one that's actually 3 generations old. You see these girls' grandfathers were best friends until my dad died last year, and then I am great friends with this angel's mom--in fact she was my favorite babysitter when I was growing up, and now all these years later here are our own girls developing their own friendship.  Such a special bond.

Have a great weekend everyone, and Happy Memorial Day!

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