
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy Wonderful

Good afternoon!! Today I have a fun fall themed layout to share with you using the "Carousel" kit, with a few bits and pieces from some past kits thrown in.
I love the soft colors that are included in the "Carousel" kit, but I really wanted to challenge myself to use them on not only a boy page, but a fall themed page. So I started out by pulling all the blue/greens, and brow papers and accents out. I knew I wanted to add in some darker shades also, so I went through some past kits and pulled out anything that I thought would coordinate, yet still bring in those darker tones.

That squirrel paper from Glitz, was one of my favorites out of this kit, and I knew this would be the perfect layout to use it on, I wanted to add more interest to it though, so I cut some random strips, and by adhering them along the sides, I was able to use that while still adding in more colors and texture.
I really wanted to showcase a long title along the more solid blue paper, I pulled out a fun stitching template form my stash, and used it as the starting point. Then by layering in some stickers, paper, and wood veneer, I put together a fun title that works to fill that large blank space.

Finally I added in my layered mat, if you look closely, you will notice I even snuck in a bit of pink for even more interest and color. Since I had so much white space in these photos, I added in a few clusters that layered in for fun texture and dimension.

I tend to go for more primary and brighter colors on my boy layouts, so this was a fun change, and I love getting to add in some of those fun bits and pieces that I have been holding on to!

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