
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Finishing Up and South Shore Reveal!

Here are the last couple of spreads for Baby Reed's fifth month in his album. This was such a fun kit to start back with Noel, and a great set of goodies to add to his album.

I like having different sizes of inserts in my albums so that you get a sneak of what's on the next spread, and these Becky Higgins journaling pages are definitely doing the trick. I journaled on the front side, and made a mini layout on this side. It had a journaling prompt, but I wasn't into it. So I figured I'd add this photo of the homemade baby food process. Because you know, it's never too early to start reminding them how many hours a day to slave away for them... ;)

 I just added a few strips on the bottom and those delicious gold Thickers to make my title, and stapled some of the ephemera pieces to the top. I forgot to include something to journal on, and it was like, 11:30, so I just scribbled right over the photo. And I'm kinda fine with that.

I kept this spread pretty simple - just a couple of easy filler cards using the pieces from the DD kit, some journaling, and just one "artsy" card from my stash. LOVE that stitched banner!

 For some reason, I like clustering different little pieces in groups of three...

 This is the last page of the spread. Another pretty simple one. I keep going back and forth about how I want to do my Project Life albums - artsy (bulky) or simple (kinda boring but quick and clean). I'm still deciding, mid-process...

 I used one of the gold cut files I made in my last post over on my blog to make the "remember" piece and just cut down the transparency to fit along the bottom of the photo.

 I love using the Collect App to print photos these days. I see so many people who use JUST this type of photo, and I always think how nice it looks, but then I go to print my photos, and can't help but vary my sizes and formats a little. Soon I'm going to just take the plunge and see how it turns out... What I do love it adding a bit of afterthought to the card in my own writing.

 Short and sweet. Flair=good.

So that's it for me this month! I get next week off, so I'll see you back here the first week of August for the Cruise Crop! Can't wait for that - gonna be lots of fun!

Oh, and one last thing! Here's a reveal video I made of the new main kit for August - South Shore. It is filled with lots of goodness - be sure to grab yours in the shop!

1 comment:

  1. Live your pages and a great video of the reveal. This will be my first kit and I am now super excited!
