
Friday, August 29, 2014

Fun in the Sun with Tea for Two

Hi there friends! Happy Friday!  As we go in to the Labor Day weekend, I have a quick layout to share with a picture of my girl driving the boat.  It's turned out to be one of my favorites of her from this summer, so I paired it with one of my favorite quotes. Of course I used the new Tea for Two kit that just arrived on my doorstep. The starry paper was the perfect match for both the quote and this picture. I love it when everything comes together like that .

I love simple little details and adding texture to my page. This kit comes with lots of texture from shiny brads, to paper lace, cork and twine, there's a little bit of everything in it. And of course I had to add just a touch of all to my page.

If you missed out on this kit, be sure you don't miss out again on future kits. Noel is opening up sub subscriptions soon! Be ready!! These kits are too good to pass up!

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