
Friday, August 22, 2014

My Girl Sunshine

Hello friends and hello Friday! So glad it's Friday is finally here! Today I'm sharing a layout that is the direct result of a conversation online--my tendency to create layouts about my oldest daughter and not as many about my younger daughter. SO I specifically set out to design a layout about my 2nd girly, the one who shies away from the camera, in order to document a little bit of HER too. These pictures totally capture her sweet little personality, the one that doesn't like being the center of attention.

My Girl Sunshine

 Layered flair, trios of brads, deconstructed Elle's Studio tags, stacked chipboard pieces...there's a little bit of everything on this layout. I also borrowed the little label stickers from my Balboa kit (on sale now), but for the most part this layout is entirely the South Shore kit.  (hint: these two kits make a great compliment to each other) And I know it's been said before, but I LOVE that I can get so many layouts created with just one kit. And they're not skimpy, paper-only layouts. Anyway, I'm really loving all the patterns and embellishments in this kit!

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