
Saturday, December 27, 2014

All good things...

...must come to an end.  I'm so sad to announce that this is my last post as a Noel Mignon designer. I have absolutely loved my time working for Noel and with all the girls on the team, and will most definitely cheer on everyone from the sidelines. However, life is simply getting the best of me right now. We are in the process of building a house, which has proven extremely stressful. I've also semi re-entered the working world by joining the staff of our church part time. So between my "normal" duties as wife and mother, chauffeur, and coach, I've added a bit more to my plate. And sadly, there is simply no more time to create.

So for today's post I thought I'd do a quick look back at some of my favorite projects I've created with Noel's fabulous kits. It's kind of a Throwback Thursday or Flashback Friday type of post just on a Saturday.

I owe a HUGE thank you to Noel for believing in me, for letting me play with these amazing kits, and for being a fabulous"boss". She's terrific to work for! I also want to thank Virginia for coordinating our team, and for being such a super help with all the little details, and a thank you to my teammates who have been so fun to get to know and to work with.  Thank you all! I hope you've had a fantastic Christmas and have a big bright 2015!!

MMMwah!  Love you all!

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