
Monday, February 2, 2015

In The Studio

While the rest of the world was watching the game (that I couldn't be less interested in) I was in my studio, cleaning and reorganizing. Because ohmyholycameo it was a MESS! I am normally a "place for everything and everything in it's place kinda gal, but the last few months have piled up on my desk and that means that I haven't even had a place to put the last couple of kits I've gotten. Which puts me in a real bad mood because I like to have everything out of the bags and in cute containers where I can see what I have, so I know what I want to use. I hate digging through a pile of schtuff every time I sit down to work. Ick. So in honor of things being fairly tidy, I figured I'd take a few shots to share what my space looks like and how I organize some of my supplies. You can find my full studio tour from a while back HERE. It's a little different, but the big things are still the same.

So this is the left side of my cleaned up desk. Didn't spend a ton of time, but I'm glad it's at least usable again. The big black box houses all of my kits - Classic and Daily Diary, though it's mostly full of my December album supplies. That I made it to December 4th in, so I have a long way to go before I can clear that out. I keep all the bits from past kits all together in there too. I like pulling from past kits because I don't like being too "themey" with my supplies. As long as the colors work, I'm good to go!

I must admit to a major vice. I have a terrible addiction to cute containers. And Michael's is my enabler. They just introduced a new line of adorableness called MAKE Market that I couldn't resist. So I snagged this galvanized bin to start keeping all of my Daily Diary supplies in, so that they aren't mixed in with all the big kit stuff. And so that I could look at how cute it all is in that super cute container! I usually cut all the full sheets apart I get my kits, and store all the cards together anyway, so it makes it easy to fit the DD kit in a small container like this one.

I also scored this mini porcelain berry basket while I was feeding my habit, that is perfect for keeping all the little bits in. Adorbs.

I keep all my non-kit new purchases in that little basket on the left. Emphasis on little - I basically just use Noel's awesomeness, because, well, it's awesome. I made about 10,000 little enamel dots that I keep in that little milk glass container, and all the store-bought enamel dots are in the mail sorter next to it. I love my little washi storage. IT IS PERFECT! And since I miss his little face when he's sleeping (which is the only time I get to spend in my studio these days) I have to leave him up on my screen. Because, like the washi tower, he too is PERFECT!

And this is the far right end of the desk. I keep my Cameo out and plugged in at all times, because you just never know when you're gonna need it. I have other non-kit supplies in one of the containers above it, and the other houses supplies for another design team. Next to that are all of Reed's baby album supplies. Can I gush about how perfect that vintage blue case is for storing all of his stuff? And then finally, I have the albums I am currently working on - two black personal pocket style albums, Reed's Baby Album, and all the extra sleeves in the pink one.

And this is one of my newest purchases. Bought in desperation and hopes of keeping current in my Daily Album.

I haven't been great at remembering to add all those little bits and pieces from my day to it, but have high hopes that I'll get into the habit this year, and hopefully the hubby will start adding to it too. And lest you wonder why I have a giraffe in a jar, not to worry. It will soon be filled with sand to be a "find it" jar for Reed.

So here's to hoping that this month is going to be a good one for my album! I am loving all the awesomeness in this kit, and can't wait to share some of the projects I am working on with it!

There are still a few left, so be sure to hop over to the shop to get yours before they are gone!

Happy Monday!

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