
Friday, February 20, 2015

Love Life layouts

 I have several layouts to share today from the Love Life Classic Kit. I've had a lot of fun playing with this kit and I'm hoping to make a little mini-album with that great heart chipboard book this weekend! 

The first thing you will probably notice is that none of them have anything to do with Valentine's Day. Yes, there are some Vday themed items in the kit but there is so much more you can do with it!
Lil Swimmer - my little one started swim lessons and loves it! I didn't want to use summer themed papers since it's not that time of year. But that heart paper was perfect to express her love for swimming.
Boy, those glitter thickers sure do sparkle, don't they?! I just noticed that there's a few stragglers on my photo that need to be brushed off :)
Silly Selfies - yes, my 3 1/2 yr old has figured out how to take pics on my iphone. And if it's set to take selfies she will click, click, click away! I didn't edit the photos at all other than cropping them smaller and placing them like a photo strip. They're out of focus and somewhat dark but I don't care! 
The mini-alphas are from the Hey Girl Daily Diary kit.
And that paint splatter!!!

I Remember - this last one is a bit more personal (and, admittedly, got me a little teary eyed) and is one that I've wanted to do for a while now. My paternal grandmother passed away when I was in my early 20s. But there are many things I still remember about here and my kids will every so often hear me saying something about her (esp when I'm pulling out my ceramic Christmas tree that she made me all those years ago).
The photo was a polaroid from the 80's, so I scanned it and printed in the same format. In this layout I just wanted to convey some of the things I remember about her, the things that always seem to stick out in my mind. Of course, there's more than what I've put on this layout so what I will probably end up creating a 2nd page to go with this (maybe a pocket page) including some things that my dad has told me over the years. Since my kids and even my husband never got a chance to meet here I want this recorded so that they can know her through me.

I encourage you to think outside the box with this kit! Our first inclination is toward Valentine's Day but since it's more of a 'love' themed kit there's so much more you can do with it! 

And be sure to share on the Noel Mignon facebook group and Instagram (be sure to hashtag #noelmignon). You can also find us on Pinterest for more inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. These are great layouts and a wonderful showcase of how tomuse the papers if you don't want to do Valentines layouts! Especially like the Swimmer one :)
