
Monday, March 16, 2015

Welcome Spring!

Well, we are officially in Spring, y'all! And this week on the blog, we are all going to be celebrating!

I got my new Fuse the very same day I got my Shine Bright kit, and I cannot even tell you how much I have been looking forward to use that little lady in my Daily Diary Album! This month, Michelle and I switched kits, so I got to play with the Classic Kit. And oh em gee is it seriously sweet!

 We R Memory Keeper's new tool, The Fuse, is so awesome. It literally has changed the way I work on my Daily Diary.

The secret is the glass mat. I use one from EK Success, and it really helps to make nice, crisp cuts and joins. And tape. Tape is imperative to keep that slippery little sleeve from sliding around all over the glass.

Here's the layout I made with the Shine Bright Classic kit. And I have to say, I added some of the Simple Stories "I Am" line to the mix - much of which can be found in the Daily Diary kit!

I LOVE the Thickers in the kit - the gold center just makes me giddy! And the 'Snapshot' paper from the Confetti collection is perfect for making pocket card backgrounds!

LOVE LOVE LOVE my typewriter these days! Adding journaling to my pocket cards is so much easier this way, rather than using photoshop and printing onto the card. Plus, it's fun plinking away on that ol machine. Almost as fun as watching my son run around naked with his towel turned turbin, after bathtime.

I grabbed that green "current song on a loop" card from the Love Life Daily Diary kit - I've been saving that one up! But I have to say, the rounded corners threw my whole spread for a loop. Every single other card had square edges, and my OCD brain COULD NOT have just one rounded card. COULD. NOT. I have to round at least two other cards in the spread. Am I the only one who feels that way? PS. I used my Fuse here to create two 3x4 pockets out of the 4x6 pocket. LOVE life so much more now that I have that option! I will never have to buy sleeves again!

 I got some waterfall sleeves in my shipment, so I grabbed a 4x6 sleeve, turned it into two 3x4s, and added my photos and confetti. Once the sleeve was full, I fused it to the top of the 4x6 pocket on the spread.

The Good Morning card is from a past kit, and I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. SO glad I had it now! Of course, the downside of using a typewriter is the lack of ctrl+z, so the Simple Stories I Am chipboard sticker came in awfully handy to cover up that little boo boo. Is it wrong how happy that sequins confetti makes me? I also used one of the enamel Bradz, backed with some paper, and a wood veneer in the pocket, too. Love the look of it!

And since I haven't been able to stay out of this kit, I thought I'd also share a layout I made this weekend with the kit.

 I love using these tradionally "non-boy" colors to scrap photos of my Reed. He's so much boy all by himself, though, it doesn't matter how much pink I use!

Gotta love a good cluster of pretties...

Phew! That was a lotta word vomit - thanks for hanging in there with me!
Don't forget, our 'Springtime in Paris' crop is coming up soon! Be sure to join us for lots of great challenges and TONS of inspiration! I think there are even a few kits left, so be sure you have yours ready!

Have a great week!

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