
Monday, April 6, 2015


Good Morning! Here's a little layout I made showing LOTS of layers! It's a look I love! Another thing I am loving? The Hello Darling Classic Kit!! This little beauty is amazing, and I'm having a blast with it!

 I usually start by choosing three or four background papers to kind of "mat" my photo. I glue them down to the page, and then tuck in more scraps, ephemera and embellies as I go.

Sometimes I'll end up almost completely hiding a layer, but hey, it's all part of the process, right?
 A glue gun is the best adhesive for me when I do a project like this, because sometimes you get things arranged just where you like them, and if you have to flip them over to put a line of glue runner or something, it just totally messes things up! With a glue gun, you just sneak in a dab of glue right where you need it without having to move anything.

The most important layer, and the thing that often anchors a page that gets "messy" with layers is (usually) solid cardstock around the edges. But I usually add that in  last, after I can see what colors are dominant in the layout.

And here's a little bit of hidden journaling that I tucked behind the main photo. I have to plan ahead a little bit sometimes for that, and make sure that I leave some unglued space for that. 

Be sure to check back all week for more great projects from the team!
Happy Monday!

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