
Monday, April 20, 2015

My Dog Ate My Homework...

I swear!

Well, no. But I DID have a little accident involving my original page I had planned to post today.

SO my bootay was up bright and early to make you this little page to share a couple of my favorite techniques. Because that's what we're doing here this week - TECHNIQUES! Love these posts!

So here's the page I made at the butt crack of dawn - lol! 

I love using up all my scraps - almost nothing as satisfying for me, where scrapping is concerned. So I grabbed a bunch of leftovers from the Hello Darling and Shine Bright kits, and some of the cute stickers and cut-aparts and just went for it.

I started in the bottom corner, and just applied a little glue runner to the center of each piece of paper to stick them down. Be sure not to get too gluey when you do this, because your sewing machine will revolt! Fill the whole page with scraps of paper, stickers that fit just right, and any ol thing you just love. And don't be afraid to leave a blank spot here or there, if you have a plan for something that might go there later.

 I didn't stitch around every edge, but most of them, and made little leaps with my machine so that I had fewer starts and stops to deal with.

Here's a peek of what I did with one of my pieces - put just enough glue to hold it in place, stitched just one side, and lifted it back up to hide some secret journaling, backed with a few stamps of that Wild Honey Distress Ink Noel included in the kit. And you can see how I added a strip of chipboard in my open space, with a line of dots above it, created by the stamp from the kit. Don't be afraid to ink just part of the stamp to make it fit the area you have to work with.

And of course I couldn't help but add some layers to the page. Love those Thickers, and the Craft Market stickers are my new faves!!

Be sure to check in all week for more techniqes from the rest of the team!