
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Summer Road Tripping using Pack Your Bags

Hello everyone and Happy Tuesday !!

I was so looking forward to using my new Pack Your Bags kit and it did not disappoint. Last summer was a whopper of a summer. Lots of travel, well that was pretty much all we did. At least it seemed that way.

After school let out last May we took a week break from everything and then it was off to Grandmas house for a long extended stay.

Since we were traveling, this particular week was kind of jumbled with a little of this and a little bit of that. But as we all know that it just fine for pocket pages.

I tried to stay with a few constant colors throughout this spread. The goldish color, the red, and then a little blue here and there. I believe it really works well to stick with a few colors. Besides the colors matched my photos pretty well. That is always a factor for me when I am choosing colors for my spreads.

This is my title card. I started out with a strip of patterned paper on the bottom and then printed my week # and the date on top. The multicolored triangle was cut from one of the 4x6 journaling cards. I think my favorite thing out of this kit are those fun wood veneers.

I made good use of the fun die cut journaling cards this mont. The hello card was perfect to put some patterned paper behind for a more personal look. I went with a somewhat less busier pattern so that the hello could stand out.

Another example of how I used the die cut cards is with those fun parentheses. I chose to break up my page and add some white space in the bottom corner. Simply but cutting down a picture you can add some journaling and make your spreads more appealing to the eye.

My son turned 5 while we were out on vacation at my parents house. We threw him a simple birthday party at a local farm that he loves. More on that later.

This first journaling card was perfect to add the cut out car and a few strips of paper on the bottom. We packed the car and hit the road. It is a drive that I have done many, many times but don't look forward to. Of course we had to get the traditional car photo. That is always a signal that we are really on our way.

Moving on to the second page. During our trip we took several hikes with my dad and the kids. I have lots of memories of hikes with my brother and my dad. So it was so awesome to go hiking with my own kids and my dad.

I really loved this simple but great 4x6 filler card. I chose to leave it plain with the exception of a small arrow.

I created a few journaling cards. This first one I chose to leave plain and loved that it had its own embellishments, plus I already had lots of other stuff on this page. The second card I added a little pen doodling around the diamond and added a few enamel dots. As always I like to add digital brushes to my photos and journaling cards. I added the "hike" as a digital brush to the bottom of this journaling card.

Here is a closer look at the last journaling card. I printed out some journaling on a piece of vellum and cut it into a tag shape.

In this months kit there was a journaling card that had these great creme and blue circles. I knew that I wanted to cut them out and use them as embellishments. That is what I did on this card.

Before the party guests came for the pizza and cupcakes we had a little balloon photo shoot.

That is a wrap for me this week. If you haven't picked up one of these kits you will want to, trust me !! Have a great day everybody and happy scrapping your travel photos.

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