
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My Week 21 using Happy Go Lucky

Happy Tuesday everybody ! I am both excited and sad to be here with you today. You see this is my last Design Team post.

I have sincerely enjoyed working with the NoelMignon kits over the past 6 months, each one seeming to be my favorite.

Okay, let's get to the good stuff now, the sharing !

When I went to put together my week 21 I kind of noticed a theme, apparently I spent some time going around and taking some fun photos. Which I am not surprised, I love taking photos. I also notice that some weeks there is more of a mixture of things and people in the photos, sometimes there are more of one or the other. But you know what, I love them all. It all balances itself out in the end and tells the most wonderful story, which is our own !!

This week I went with a green color scheme with a little bit of other colors thrown in.  Usually I am not a green person, actually shy away from it. But this year I am learning to branch out and try new things. Plus I am kind of liking the green !

Here is a look at the left side of my spread.

I just love the color of the gray patterned paper and thought it went perfect with the rest of my photos. I cut a strip off and added it onto the bottom of my title card. Staying with the green theme, I cut part of a journaling card and added it on to my title card. It made the whole page one cohesive look.

Once in a while we all get lucky and get a great photo. I was out taking pictures of my blooming flowers when this hummingbird comes flying in. Thankfully I was able to snap a great photo of him and I love it ! It is the one on the bottom right. I added a digital brush before printing it out and then added the puffy triangle sticker. So fun !! I think that might be my favorite this week, maybe.

I also added one of the Heidi Swapp clear labels to my Dr. Pepper photo. It was perfect.

This week was still technically Spring, so I used the Spring filler card and I just love it. I chose to leave it alone and not add anything to it. Sometimes I add, sometimes I don't.

On the journaling card I told the story of how my kids started calling the Dr. Pepper "Mommy Juice". And NO, I do not drink a ton of it, just a glass here and there okay !! LOL. But it was funny enough that it had to be added to the scrapbook.

Let's move on to the second page now.

I was able to journal about two stories from this week. The first one was when we attended Katelyn's Honor Roll and Principal's List assembly. I cut out the wood grained label from another journaling card and added it to the one with the green bottom. I added her GPA for the year on the bottom using the number stickers from the kit. The photo next to it is of us eating ice cream that they served afterwards.

The other story is all about the adorable yellow minion in the photo and his wardrobe. I started out with one of the Simple Stories journaling cards and cutting a strip of the gray patterned paper to go on the bottom, again for a more of a cohesive feel.

Well folks that it is for me this week and for my term on the Design Team. I want to thank each and every one of you for continuing to come over to the blog and also for your support along the way. I have truly loved every minute of it and plan to check back to see what all the other team members are creating.

Have a wonderful rest of your summer and a fabulous day !

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