
Friday, August 7, 2015

I'm baaaaaack!

So, did you miss me? Didja, didja? Ha! Did you even know I was gone?

Virginia and I are switching off months this term, and my goodness, after a month off, I am ready to be back! And helllllooooooooo Country Life! You are the adorablest widdle kit everrrrrrrr!! I mean, nomnomnom!

We have had so many good challenges so far this week, and here's mine:

Make your photo 50% of your layout. Doesn't matter which 50, but it needs to take up half the space! And for you Daily Diary makers, you can absolutely participate in this challenge! Use a small sleeve, print a large photo and cut it to fit multiple pockets - sky's the limit!

Here's my take:

I printed my photo right onto my page, and then added the patterned paper to the bottom. I love doing this - the big photo just makes me so happy!

I tried to keep the embellies fairly simple this time - just s couple of smaller clusters, some real typing, and a few splatters of Color Shine!

Want a little tip?

Before you start sticking your stickers down, line them up on a ruler in about the style of placement you want. Then, just brush on some baby powder to remove the stickiness. Voila! Placement is a breeze! Now you can move those stickers all over the place, without worrying that they will accidentally stick to the page before you are ready.

I also used the ruler to plan out how wide my title would be - so helpful!

That's all for me today! Head on over to the member's Facebook page to post your challenge layouts in the albums - winner gets a Daily Diary kit of their choice! Woohoo!