
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Layout and a Pocket Page with Show and Tell

Hello! This morning I have two pages to share with you. I bought the Classic Show and Tell kit because I loved it so much and have happily gotten back to creating layouts. It's been too long.

This layout is made primarily from the Classic kit and was inspired by that gorgeous Crate Paper alpha Thickers. I wanted them to take center stage on my layout and mixed them with the Basicgrey alphas for a fun effect.

This picture I took of my son when he was 6 months old just slays me. I've scrapped it before and I'll probably scrap it again, but I just love it so much. I outlined the letters in my title with the gold pen that came in the kit. It took a while to finish, but it gives it a painty-feel and I love it. By the way, isn't that sheer ribbon with the gold glitter dots absolutely divine?! I need about 100 more feet of that ribbon.

And because the Show and Tell kits make me want to scrap, I have a pocket page for you too using mostly items from the Daily Diary kit.

I mostly used the 12x12 cut apart sheet from the Daily Diary kit by Crate Paper. I love 12x12 sheets like that because when I trimmed it all up, not only did I have several 3x4 cards but I also had quite a few tags and embellishments too. All from one 12x12 paper!

I did some hand-stitching just by paper-piercing holes around the circle and speech bubble. I had a few extra photos for this page so I included them in an envelope and decorated the outside of it.

I've been addicted to sequins lately so included some atop this mason jar die cut. I used my typewriter to finish up some journaling. I made some mistakes with the typewriter which happens almost every time, but I think it adds to the charm.

I love all the gold bits in this kit and think they go together so well with my desert photos. I tried to keep things fairly simple but as is usually the case, I had several embellishments that I couldn't NOT use so I tried to make it all work.

Those are my pages for today. Make sure to join us in Noel's Reveal Facebook group to see the next month's kit before it's released to the public. Plus we play lots of fun games and have prizes, so why haven't you joined yet? ;)

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