
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"Apple Picking" Challenge

I hope everyone is having a good time at our Fall Harvest Crop this week!!!  I'm excited to announce another challenge...this afternoon's challenge is the "Apple Picking Challenge".  

You can do the "Apple Picking Challenge" in 1 of 2 ways.  You can either scrapbook a family outing to the Apple Orchard OR you can "pick" supplies from at least 4 different scrapbook lines/brands (you do not have to use a Noel Mignon kit---but the kits make it really easy, since the supplies already coordinate!!!)  

For a REAL challenge...I actually did a combination of both. I scrapbooked pictures of our family at the apple orchard last month and used supplies from the October Blue Moon Classic Kit that came from 5 different scrapbook lines.  

Here is my take on the Apple Picking Challenge...

I "picked" paper from Pebbles "Harvest" line...

The 2nd scrapbook supply I "picked" was Thickers by American Crafts for part of my title.  The 3rd brand I "picked" was chipboard pieces from Echo Park's "The Story of Our Family" line.  

I "picked" puffy stickers from Pink Paislee "Cedar Lane" line for my 4th supply.

The 5th line I "picked" was Simple Stories "We Are...Family" paper, die cut shapes, and 'new' brads.

And that wraps up the "Apple Picking" Challenge.  Please share your layouts for this challenge on our Noel Mignon Members Facebook page in the "Apple Picking Challenge" album for your chance to win .  HAPPY PICKING!!!!

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