
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Cheer!

Gosh you guys, how is it already December?!? Time is passing crazy fast these days, and sometimes it feels like there's no time to even catch your breath before it's time for more work to be done!

I don't know about you, but I seem to get myself into a total funk this time of year, because I always over-commit myself with parties, presents to make, memories to capture, and somehow still keep my legs shaved and eyebrows plucked. THAT'S a tough job! So this year I have vowed to not get the hum-drums. I am keeping it simple. I am planning a few projects that I have been dying to make, and letting the rest fall where it may.

And since we're all just getting started, I figured I'd share a few of my holiday plans with you. And maybe you'll be able to simplify, stay sane, and most importantly, keep those caterpillars from taking up permanent residence on your forehead.

The first plan I have is kind of a maybe plan. As in, I'd REALLY like to do this, but am trying to be realistic about the outcome. I found this amazingly simple and clean December Daily album on Pinterest, by Assari Jarrett, and am loving the idea that this is something I could actually do. It's still the first week of December, I COULD still get this done, right!? PLUS she has a free printable for 2015 that is super cute!

Have you gotten your tree yet? I always want to have it for the first of the month, and it always seems to dry out by the 25th, so this year I decided to wait until the weekend to get it. This gives me some time to prep some cute little paper projects that I can use my beyond-adorable Mistletoe & Holly kit for. I mean, how cute are these garlands?!

I always have left-over little scraps of paper when I'm finished with my kits - what a perfect way to use them up!

And you know the most amazing part about making paper decorations? They're not breakable. As in your almost-two-year-old can't yank them off the tree and cause a cacophony of sounds of glass breaking, tree limbs going through the lamp shade, and the cat shreiking because he had the audacity to sleep under said tree when said almost-two-year-old pulled it down kind of amazing. YUP. 

And since we're on the subject of non-breakable decor...

I mean, really? How cute are those?!?!?!?!?!

So, whether you have lots of time or no time at all, there are so many ways you can make your Holiday special, with just a little paper and imagination. Have you gotten your Mistletoe & Holly kits yet? I CAN'T WAIT to dig in to mine! Now if I could just distract the almost-two-year-old long enough to escape to my studio...

Happy Wednesday, everyone!