
Friday, December 11, 2015

happy little Christmas tree

Hey guys!! How are you all doing with all of your Christmas festivities?? Things are chugging along at my house. And although all of my decorations are still not up, there's still empty storage boxes in my family room, and we keep having crazy wind here that is beating up all of my outdoor decorations (boo!!), I love to make time to sit down and play with Christmas crafts!

I found this jute Christmas tree at Target for $3 (in the bins formerly known as the dollar bin). And yes, you can totally make one of these yourself with some jute and a styrafoam tree. But why reinvent the wheel?? I mean, it was already done for me!
I have both of the Mistletoe & Holly kits...because duh, they're gorgeous! And I opted to use the ribbon with the gold trim and the pine twine from the Daily Diary kit (the classic kit has ribbon with silver trim & boxwood trim). I pulled out my handy dandy glue gun and set to work...I mean play :) After adding the ribbon & twine I added some sequins & snowflakes. 

I used a star punch for my tree topper and to add some dimension I used my bone folder to score the star & then added some pop dots in the center. I also attached a toothpick & stuck that right in the top (because I have a 4 yr old who will touch everything so I need to make sure that star doesn't fall off!)

And now I'm off to bake some more cookies since they seem to disappear the moment they come out of the oven! 

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