
Friday, December 18, 2015


Hey guys, Michelle here! I've been printing out lots of photos that I want to use with the Mistletoe & Holly kit. I had planned on sharing a different layout today but then we had some family photos taken the other day and I had to play with those first!

I took some of my favorite photos from our family pics & cropped them to 3x4. Originally I was going to do a strip of photos straight across my page, most likely toward the bottom. But then I pulled out that great paper with "Joy" at the bottom and that woodgrain worked perfectly with my photos!

I've said it before that I love papers like this because it's almost like half the 'work' is done for you. Add some photos, some embellishments, and boom! Done!

I had to add the 'naughty' and 'nice' stickers...ya know, girls nice, boys naughty! haha And on pages like this I typically don't do an 'official' title since there's already the big word at the bottom. Sometimes I enhance it or add words but this time I left it as is.

I will be back after Christmas with the rest of my holiday pages. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!!

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