
Thursday, January 7, 2016

hello january...let's play AND get organized with sweet charlotte daily diary kit!

Happy 2016 everyone!
Wow....a NEW year and a brand NEW Noel Mignon kit to drool over, get inspired by and create beautiful memories with.
I am excited to begin my pocket pages for 2016 and this kit is perfect for that. This month I am loving the bright colors, patterns and beautiful sentiments that are included with this kit. Super inspiring.

So, each week we have been touching on a different theme or topic.  This week is all about organization.  So before I get to sharing my pocket page....let's talk about how I am organizing and storing some of my kit favourites this month!

This is my "go to" storage system as of right now.  This awesome white bins from IKEA.  They are clean, sturdy and I love how they fit everything.  I love to store both my 3x4 and 4x6 cards in here.

Also from IKEA....this super cute black and white striped bowl.  I love placing them in these bins to store my tinier embellishments such as die cuts, wood veneer, flair and ribbons.  Having it all together makes the creative process that much easier and I love seeing so much beautiful stuff all in one place.

Now on to my first pocket page layout for 2016!

As always, I mixed up my page protectors.  Placed items both inside and outside of pockets and really just had fun with all of the patterns and colors in this kit! LOVE this month's stash!

The 'bright and happy' card, 'be happy' flair and wood veneer hello are top favourites for me this month.

Loved mixing and matching all of the fun patterns and embellishments with my photos.  I even used my Fuse tool to help enclose some of the fun confetti pieces into the pockets.  The little sequin stars are my favourite. So cute!

For me, this kit is all about COLOR this month! So grab some photos and have fun playing with all of the bright and amazing patterns.  Definitely makes me in the mood for SPRING!

1 comment:

  1. I totally love what you've done here. Is that an 8x8 album? I am thinking of doing 2016 in one of those. You just confirmed it.
