
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Superhero organization

Are you ready for some superhero organization?? Ok, not really. ha! But I do have a new layout and a couple organizing tips. But superhero organization sounded pretty good, no?? Let me tell ya, my scrap room could use it!

So I mentioned in my last post that I really don't do New Year's resolutions. But one of the things I would really like to conquer this year is some organization in my scrap room and to get some projects completed (you can check out my last post here). And one of those projects on my to do list is to finish up the layouts/albums from our past couple of Disney trips. Normally for a big trip I will do a separate album (either a 12x12 or smaller size, just depends) but then I will also create a few layouts for my kids' albums for something that pertains to one specific child.
On our trip to Disneyland last year we met Captain America who had THE sweetest conversation with my 4 yr old. I'm not sure what they talked about (I think he might have asked her about Elsa since she was on her shirt??) but you can tell from her huge grin that she loved it. Actually, Thor started in on a great story after seeing her shirt as well. Seriously, we joked that Addie was the superhero magnet ;)
As you may know, Captain America's colors are very bold. So I opted to mute the colors of my photo - not quite black and white but definitely more subtle so that it would match my papers. It just goes to show that you can take just about any of Noel's kits and have match them to your photos!
To add the typing on my paper, I did a rough layout of where I wanted things to go, then I very lightly marked in pencil where I wanted the journaling to go. Then I put the paper in my typewriter for my journaling! I also added some stitching and those teeny tiny little stars around my page....and those stamps. I mentioned before I love the stamp set that came with the Sweet Charlotte Classic Kit!
Now as far as organization, I have tried many different ways of storing my kits over the years to suit my needs. I've used trays, kept the kits in bags in a big basket, smaller containers, etc. Obviously, being on the design team I like to keep kit contents together for my projects. But I also like to do that because Noel has matched the kit contents so well that I can pull out a kit and create many projects with just the items in the kits, I don't have to search around in my stash for things to add to my pages. So it just makes sense to keep it all together.

Recently I have switched over to using these IRIS containers (found them on sale at Michaels recently). I use the large ones that are roughly 14x14 so they're big enough for those papers and embellishments/stickers that are longer than 12".
I also have the divided trays that go them which are perfect for all of the goodies that come in the kits. In the past I've used little containers/bowls/etc to hold this stuff but I have very limited table space. My scrap room right now is in my basement which is unfinished (i.e. no 'real' a lot of things that I would have on shelves are on my desk). So, I need to be able to put my kits away when I'm not using them. I only use these containers for the last couple of kits because once I've used up most of my kit I empty out what's left and put it in with the rest of my stash.
I hope this and all of the organization tips that have been shared this week have been helpful. Here's to an organized 2016!!!

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