
Friday, January 15, 2016

Winter Blues---in the desert???

It's kind of hard to have "winter blues" when you live in the desert.  We don't see much, if any, snow.  Nor do we really see many changing seasons throughout the's typically mild weather in the winter months then really hot...for months and months and months...and then mild weather in the winter again...until spring and it's hot all over again.  So what do you do when you live in the desert and it's 70 degrees on New Year's Eve day???  Why, you go ice skating, of course!!!

I used the "Sweet Charlotte" Classic Kit to create this layout about my daughter's first time ice skating...

The colors and triangles in the Maggie Holmes "Shine" paper matched the colors in my photographs pretty well, so I knew right away I wanted to use this paper with these photos.

The wood veneer originally said "Best Day Ever", but I decided to cut away the "Ever" part and use the "Best Day" as part of my title which reads "Best Day with my Little Girl".

And here are a few more details from my layout, using the Maggie Holmes stickers, the doily, the chipboard embellishments, and the Heidi Swapp mist...

Thank you for visiting me today.  Please share some of your "winter" layouts with us on the Noel Mignon Members Facebook page.  I would love to see your work!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is marvelous. I love what you did with the Best Day title. Awesome.
